Osteoarthritis FAQ: Your Top 5 Questions Answered
Have you been told you have osteoarthritis? Not sure what that means? Parkside Physio, Jay McGuinness has got you covered, answering the 5 most frequently asked questions about OARead More
Have you been told you have osteoarthritis? Not sure what that means? Parkside Physio, Jay McGuinness has got you covered, answering the 5 most frequently asked questions about OARead More
“OA is the most common lifestyle disease in individuals 65 years of age and older, but can also affect those as young as 30 years of age.”
Is Knee or Hip Arthritis Slowing You Down? We’d be GLA;D to Help!
We offer a proven 6-week exercise and education program to reduce pain, delay or avoid surgery, improve function and reduce drug useRead More
Congratulations! You’ve just had a baby and its time to drop that baby weight and get your body back. You hit the pavement and return to exercise. Then it happens… Your body lets you down.
You roll your ankle running, pull your quad doing a gym class or something leaks where it shouldn’t be leaking! But what happens? You have too many other things on your plate so you leave it. Surely the body will sort itself out, right? Nope. Chances are it will hang around and even get worse. Don’t let it happen to you!Read More
If you are struggling with pain on the outside of your elbow, you probably have Tennis Elbow. Back in the day when there was a tennis court every few blocks it was probably an accurate name, now virtually no-one gets a sore elbow from tennis, more like a “work elbow” or “lifting elbow” nowadays. The long name for this is Lateral Epicondylitis.
Parkside Sports Physio, Jess Stoll, has spent months scouring research to come up with a gold-standard best-practice rehab program for this frustrating condition and some of her findings are worth sharing……..Read More
Are you struggling with lifting weights because your wrists hurt?
You are not alone. Research we were recently reading shows that up to 25% of weight training injuries occur in the wrist. We’ve been seeing a heap of these recently and wanted to share a few tips we find helpful to combat wrist pain and get you pressing heavy again without the painRead More
As we get to the business end of winter sport season, we usually get a rush of last-minute rehab for ankle sprains that all of a sudden become extremely important when semi-finals are coming up. Here’s a few of the biggest mistakes we see with ankle sprains and DIY rehabRead More