Parkside Blog


We love sharing our knowledge, tips and  industry articles to better inform our client’s.

3 Things New Mums Should Know About Getting back Into Exercise Safely

Shaylee Pyett- Physiotherapist

Struggling to get back into exercise after having a baby? Having a baby can alter your regular routines, decrease your sleep quantity and it can be hard to take time for yourself to exercise.  Exercise has many important health benefits for new Mums including; cardiovascular, strength and conditioning, and importantly psychological well-being and self-identity.

Here are 3 things we’d love you to know about about exercising after having your baby.Read More

Why on Earth is my Physio asking about my periods?

This can be a bit confronting, can’t it? You head off to the Physio with a hip flexor strain, shin splints or some tendonitis in your foot. You’re training really well, feeling fit, a bit tired maybe. And then they hit you between the eyes with a question about how often you get your period? Bit random, what’s going on there you may wonder. Read on to find out why they may be negligent NOT to ask!

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Fun (Food) Facts for Fit Females: Part 2

We are back for Part 2 of our Female Athlete series and talking all things nutrition. Last week’s blog post touched on the importance of hormones on training. This week we look at how hormones can also influence what fuel your body needs to perform at its best and bust open some diet trend myths while we’re at it.Read More

Fun Facts For Fit Females: Part 1

NEWSFLASH: women are different to men. I know, this is not new information, but is Jessica Stollsomething that often gets overlooked when it comes to sports science and injury prevention. For instance, did you know that most research studies are performed on men and then just adapted for women, who are considered “small men”?  There are so many female specific aspects that need to be considered like body composition, hormones, and different rates of development. In this blog we are going to explore these differences through three important life stages and drop some training bombs that show how differently the female athlete, in particular, the female runner should be training.Read More

We can Help With Pregnancy Low Back and Pelvic Pain

Jessica Stoll
Jess Stoll

Are you Pregnant? Sick of Pelvic or Low Back Pain stealing your glow? You’re not alone! I’ve got a few friends that are pregnant and heaps of them message me about their sore back and pelvis as they progress through their pregnancy. Time and time again I have to reassure friends and patients that despite this being a normal part of pregnancy, Physio can be a big help in keeping you moving as you get ready to welcome your cherished new addition. Keep reading, I’ve got 5 Tops to help get you some relief from pregnancy related pain.Read More