Parkside Blog


We love sharing our knowledge, tips and  industry articles to better inform our client’s.

It’s a Woman’s World

Two weeks ago, I was lucky enough to attend a 5 day intensive Women’s Health Course run by the walkingJessica Still encyclopaedia herself, the wonderful Taryn Hallam. Fair to say after those 5 days, there was information coming out my ears!
The course covered common pelvic floor conditions as well as pregnancy and post-natal conditions and complications. It was such an engaging and at times emotional course that has boosted my passion for women’s health even more than I expected!

So now that my brain is full of ideas, I’d like to share with you some of the conditions Women’s Health Physiotherapists can treat. Some of them may surprise you!Read More

A look inside knee arthroscopy!

Part of our job as Physiotherapists is to stay up to date with the latest clinical research to help guide
the advice, education and rehabilitation choices we offer you. We’ve recently come across a startling
paper published in The Bone and Joint Journal in August 2019. In this mammoth project, researchers
scoured the records of more than 800,000 people who had a knee arthroscopy over a 15 year
period. Some of their findings are truly staggering:

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