Why cancelled surgery could be a blessing
Has your elective bone or joint surgery just been cancelled because of the current health crisis? Read on to find out why this might just be a blessing in disguise!Read More
Has your elective bone or joint surgery just been cancelled because of the current health crisis? Read on to find out why this might just be a blessing in disguise!Read More
It’s been a busy week. I’m trying not to use the phrase “Uncertain Times” or any of the “C” words, so lets just agree things are happening quickly at the moment. Here’s an update on what’s happening at Parkside as of Sunday March 29
The FFA’s decision to temporarily suspend all grassroots football training/trials/games from Wednesday 18/03 until
Tuesday 14/04 due to COVID-19 is unfortunate, however, all football participants must play a role if we are to help slow the spread of the virus.Read More
Physiotherapy, has been defined as an essential service and the current advice from the Federal Health Minister is that we are permitted to stay open. A well-organised, safe facility is where you should be, not an overworked GP practice or public hospital.Read More
Important Corona Virus Update: The safety and well-being of our clients and staff is always our priority. We are actively monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and taking advice from reputable, official channels and taking steps to help keep our community safe.
As we all adjust to new precautions, we want to highlight a few actions we are taking at Parkside Sports Physiotherapy while we remain open for business as usualRead More
Hi everyone, Matt McEwan from Parkside Sports Physio here. Juyst typing thjis slowly with my left hanfd to let you kjnow what I’e managed to do to myself.Read More