Parkside Blog


We love sharing our knowledge, tips and  industry articles to better inform our client’s.

Achilles Tendon Rupture: Surgery or a Boot?

The Achilles tendon is the most frequently torn tendon in the human body. It’s a major injury which takes months to recover. For decades, surgical repair of the tendon was the most common treatment, but since walking boots have become popular recently, non-surgical treatment using a specialised boot has become more popular.

So which one is better? Surgery or a boot? As usual, it depends!Read More

Why on Earth is my Physio asking about my periods?

This can be a bit confronting, can’t it? You head off to the Physio with a hip flexor strain, shin splints or some tendonitis in your foot. You’re training really well, feeling fit, a bit tired maybe. And then they hit you between the eyes with a question about how often you get your period? Bit random, what’s going on there you may wonder. Read on to find out why they may be negligent NOT to ask!

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Plantar Fascia: The Runner’s Arch-Enemy

Plantar fasciitis is a painful heel condition that affects more than 1 in 10 of us over a lifetime. It’s caused by pain coming from the strong soft tissue in our arch where it attaches to the inner side of the heel bone.

Plantar fasciitis is best known for disabling pain when taking the first steps on getting up out of bed, or out of a chair. It also stops you being able to stand, walk or run. Worst of all, almost half of those with plantar fascia pain report ongoing problems 10 years later!!Read More