Parkside Blog


We love sharing our knowledge, tips and  industry articles to better inform our client’s.

Swimmers Shoulder

It is that time of year where we replace our beanies and jumpers with swim caps and cozzies.
Now that restrictions have eased and there is no longer the hassle of worrying about booking swim sessions online you are probably excited to be back in the water.
Whether you’re training for ocean swimming events, triathlons, pool competitions or just swimming leisurely to increase your fitness, it is quite likely you have come across the term ‘Swimmers Shoulder’ or even had it.
So what is it?Read More

Health Fund “Extras”: How to get the most out of your Private Health Insurance

If you’re in a private health fund and covered for “Extras”, do you know when your benefits re-set?  Are you sure you’re in the best value for money cover for your needs? Are you paying too much for the lowest benefits?  You’ve been paying insurance premiums that always increase, have you made the best use of your insurance?Read More

High Heels Help Achilles Problems?

High heel shoes
High heels can help Achilles tendinopathy

Well, not exactly high heels, but a heel lift placed in your shoes.  A recent study from LaTrobe Uni in Melbourne compared placing 12mm heel lifts in shoes to a common exercise protocol and recorded the response over 12 weeks.  They found that both groups improved, and that the group who wore the heel raises improved slightly more. What’s going on here you may ask?  Let’s explain…..Read More