Parkside Blog


We love sharing our knowledge, tips and  industry articles to better inform our client’s.

Taking aim at Calf Strains

In Over-35 Soccer circles there’s a joke about the sniper who hangs around grassy knolls on Sundays and picks off calf muscles, usually when a player is in full flight, or taking off at warp speed to chase down an opponent or get through on goal. In running circles, there’s the “old man calf” that holds you back from a breakthrough run split in a triathlon. Read on to find out why these jokes have an element of science behind them.Read More

Don’t Make These Knee Pain Mistakes!

Are you struggling to walk your dog? Do stairs make you groan? Does it take you an hour to warm up your knees in the morning? If you’ve got knee pain, then this blog is really important for you to read.

Here at Parkside, we’ve treated 45,000 people over the last 21 years, and knee pain is one of the top three conditions that we see. Here are three mistakes that a lot of people make that could actually be making your knee pain worse. Hardly anyone knows these mistakes, and you might be making them right now.Read More


Its that time again when the whites come out of the cupboard and the dust gets blown off the kit ready for the start of the season. Cricket is here!! Personally, this is my favourite time of year. As a Representative level Cricket Australia coach and a Physio, I’m a little pedantic about cricket injuries and unfortunately we see way too many in the early stages of the cricket season.

Jess Stoll outlines 3 common mistakes cricketers make and how to avoid them.

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How to start a Strength Program

If you read our most recent blog post, we talked about how vital strength training is for your health as well as sporting performance. World Health Organisation guidelines for activity for adults tell us we should all be performing strength exercises at least twice a week. So how do you go about that without breaking the bank or spending your life in the gym?Read More

5 Reasons why you don’t always need an Xray, Ultrasound or MRI

Following an injury, patients often ask us “Do I need a scan?”, or delay coming to see us until they get one. Jay McGuinness argues that there are some very good reasons for NOT having X-rays or other expensive scans for the majority of injuries a Physio sees. Here’s 5 reasons you shouldn’t always have an Xray, Ultrasound or MRIRead More