Stay Match Fit? Social Isolation Soccer Training Program
The FFA’s decision to temporarily suspend all grassroots football training/trials/games from Wednesday 18/03 until

Tuesday 14/04 due to COVID-19 is unfortunate, however, all football participants must play a role if we are to help slow the spread of the virus.
We know that having time away from sport is one of the the highest risk factors for injury when returning to sport. Fortunately, at Parkside Sports Physio, we have developed a program that can be completed individually on an open field away from others. This program will allow you to maintain your fitness and reduce your risk of injury so that when football does return you can return to training and play at a high level.
Below is a program that includes the FIFA 11+ (a scientifically proven injury prevention warm-up) and some football related fitness and skill exercises. This program is best if completed 2-3 times per week. You should not perform this program if you have any flu like symptoms or have been in contact with any known COVID-19 cases.
Please adhere to advice from your local Health authority regarding isolation and quarantine arrangements before starting outdoor exercise sessions
If you have any questions about the program or want to discuss how you can maintain your strength, fitness and skill during the temporary suspension of sport please do not hesitate to contact us
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