Pilates comes to Parkside

Do you have Back Pain? Want to get stronger, improve your posture or core strength? Never tried Pilates but keen to start? Done the big group, all-do-the-same floor classes?
We are excited to be able to offer a unique Pilates offering to our clients. We have been running a fully subscribed small group Pilates Equipment circuit session since November and now have limited spots available. These sessions will be individualised to your needs, using different exercise stations including floor, Pilates reformer, bands, foam rollers and Swiss balls.
Sessions will be lead by Parkside Physio, Gillian Carr, an experienced Pilates instructor.
The Details:
- Commencing Tuesday May 1, 1.30-2.30pm or 6.30-7.30pm at Parkside Sports Physiotherapy
- Running for 10 weeks, join any time
- Claimable on your Health Fund as Group Consultation 560
- Cost $350 for 10 week term
- All equipment and mats supplied
- Participants need to undergo 1 hour Assessment which includes
- Full history and examination
- Assessment of core muscles with real Time Ultrasound
- Assessment and one-on-one basic core muscle training session and Pilates familiarisation
- Health Fund claimable as Initial Physio Consultation
Call 9548 3372 to book one of the limited spots