Parkside Blog


We love sharing our knowledge, tips and  industry articles to better inform our client’s.

Do you pee when you run?

Please don’t suffer in silence!

Ladies, do you pee when you run? Yeah, that’s not normal and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Unfortunately up to one in three mothers suffer in silence from incontinence.

It’s an awkward and embarrassing topic that no one wants to talk about. Except your PHYSIO! Read on to learn more and check out the video showing how we assess pelvic floor function using Real-Time Ultrasound

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5 Mistakes made by endurance athletes

Over 2 decades of working as a Sports Physio, I am always asked to try and identify exactly why my patients develop overuse injuries. This is often a difficult task due to the number of factors that can combine to cause an injury.  What I have noticed is five mistakes that endurance athletes seem to make, whether they be professional cyclists or triathletes, or new exercisers training for a fun run. I can assure you, I have personally made all 5 of these mistakes. They are not exclusive to males or females and avoiding these mistakes will help keep you fit and well.

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